13)Divine Grace: The Enchanting Birth of Parvati Mata

Parvati Mata

High regard is held for Parvati Mata in Hindu mythology, sometimes referred to as Goddess Parvati or Devi Parvati. She is the personification of feminine power, strength, and devotion and is considered the celestial consort of Lord Shiva. The narrative of Parvati Mata is replete with symbolism and spiritual meaning.

Purity, fertility, and motherhood are symbolized by Parvati Mata, who is often depicted as the kind and maternal form of the goddess. Connection to the forces that create and maintain the cosmos is established. In addition to being venerated as the goddess of devotion and love, the value of yielding to the divine and discovering spiritual fulfillment is taught to her followers by Parvati Mata.

Story of Parvati Mata about her birth

The mythological account of the birth of Parvati Mata, also referred to as Goddess Parvati or Devi Parvati, is a beautiful narrative. The celestial personification that represents the essence of feminine strength, tenacity, and devotion is imbued with profound spiritual significance. The birth of Parvati Mata is intricately intertwined with celestial blessings and cosmic occurrences.

According to the ancient texts, Parvati Mata’s parents were the monarch of the Himalayas, King Himavan, and Queen Mainavati. Due to the gods’ miraculous involvement, her birth was foretold. The necessity for a strong goddess who could aid in reestablishing balance and safeguarding the universe from malevolent forces was recognized by them.

Exceptional devotion, purity, and unwavering confidence in the divine were demonstrated by Parvati Mata, even as a small child. Being naturally spiritual, rigorous penance and tapas (austerities) were undertaken by her in order to win the favor of Lord Shiva, the ascetic god of meditation and annihilation.

Due to her intense love and admiration for Lord Shiva, Parvati Mata was committed to strict spiritual practices. Creature comforts were given up by her, and intense meditation and self-control were devoted to. Her tapas were endured for endless years, with severe weather and physical adversity being withstood.

The gods were drawn to Parvati Mata’s persistent dedication and austere practices and recognized her sincerity of heart and commitment to her spiritual path. They realized that she was meant to be Lord Shiva’s celestial wife and the representation of Shakti (divine feminine force).

Parvati Mata’s tenacity and perseverance were chosen to be tested by the gods, who were moved by her unshakable devotion. Once, Parvati Mata was approached by Indra, the ruler of the gods, while wearing the disguise of a ferocious lion. The lion was bravely faced by her with her everlasting faith and immense inner power, displaying her spiritual prowess and readiness to accept her divine destiny.

The true identities of the gods were revealed, and Parvati Mata was blessed by them due to her tenacity and unwavering devotion. Her spiritual path is to be concluded with unification with the supreme source of cosmic energy, thanks to their blessing of her becoming Lord Shiva’s heavenly bride.

The well-known mythological union of Parvati Mata and Lord Shiva is observed. The celestial union of Shiv and Parvati, also referred to as the divine union, signifies the sacred merging of the divine masculine and feminine forces. The cosmic powers of creation and disintegration were brought together, igniting a union that is still revered and celebrated by followers.

The spirit of the holy feminine energy, encompassing power, empathy, love, and devotion, is captured by the tale of Parvati Mata. She is held in reverence as the embodiment of Shakti, the energizing and inventive power that propels the cosmos. Parvati Mata’s complex nature is honored by numerous representations, including Kali, the personification of time and transformation, and Durga, the fierce warrior goddess.

Throughout the year, Parvati Mata is respected and worshipped by devotees during festivals and ceremonies. The goddess is honored through the nine-night festival of Navaratri, which holds significance. In order to receive her blessings for wealth, protection, and spiritual development during this season, prayers, fasting, and devotional rituals are undertaken by devotees.

From Parvati Mata’s birth, deeply spiritual lessons can be derived. Her narrative serves to motivate women, in particular, to embrace their natural femininity and discover their inner resiliency and power. As a role model, people are taught by Parvati Mata about the transformational power of love, dedication, and self-realization.

As a metaphor for the interaction of cosmic energy and the importance of harmony and balance in the cosmos, her celestial presence is portrayed. The birth of Parvati Mata serves as a reminder that a special mission and path are held by every soul, and that, through devotion and unwavering faith, the possibility to unite with God and achieve spiritual emancipation exists.

Parvati Mata

Mantra of Parvati Mata

The mantra for Goddess Parvati is:

“ॐ ह्रीं पार्वत्यै नमः” “Om Hreem Parvatyai Namaha”

This mantra is used to invoke the blessings and divine energy of Goddess Parvati.

Aarti of Parvati Mata

जय पार्वती माता,
जय पार्वती माता
ब्रह्मा सनातन देवी,
शुभ फल की दाता ।
॥ जय पार्वती माता… ॥

अरिकुल कंटक नासनि,
निज सेवक त्राता,
जगजननी जगदम्बा,
हरिहर गुण गाता ।
॥ जय पार्वती माता… ॥

सिंह को वहान साजे,
कुंडल है साथा,
देव वधू जस गावत,
नृत्य करत ता था ।
॥ जय पार्वती माता… ॥

सतयुग रूप शील अतिसुंदर,
नाम सती कहलाता,
हेमाचंल घर जन्मी,
सखियाँ संगराता ।
॥ जय पार्वती माता… ॥

शुम्भ निशुम्भ विदारे,
हेमाचंल स्थाता,
सहस्त्र भुजा तनु धरिके,
चक्र लियो हाथा ।
॥ जय पार्वती माता… ॥

सृष्टि रूप तुही है जननी,
शिव संग रंगराता,
नन्दी भृंगी बीन लही,
सारा जग मदमाता ।
॥ जय पार्वती माता… ॥

देवन अरज करत हम,
चरण ध्यान लाता,
तेरी कृपा रहे तो,
मन नहीं भरमाता ।
॥ जय पार्वती माता… ॥

मैया जी की आरती,
भक्ति भाव से जो नर गाता,
नित्य सुखी रह करके,
सुख संपत्ति पाता ।
॥ जय पार्वती माता… ॥

जय पार्वती माता,
जय पार्वती माता,
ब्रह्मा सनातन देवी,
शुभ फल की दाता ।

जय पार्वती माता,
जय पार्वती माता
ब्रह्मा सनातन देवी,
शुभ फल की दाता ।

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